Submitting Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers

Here’s a list of the Big 5 US Publishing Houses, their submission requirements and links to submission details. I’ve also included at the end of the list two smaller US Publishers that both Us and Non-U.S. citizens should be able to submit too. I thought they would serve as a good example of what’s out there if you decide to try the smaller publishers.

Submit Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers


Submit your manuscript to the big 5 us publishers hachette book group

Hachette Book Group Submission Details:

Imprint that accepts unsolicited manuscripts:

Forever/ Forever Yours (romance)

In the body of the email: a query letter that includes the main hook of your story, the genre, the word count, a brief summary, and a little bit about you

A detailed 3-5 page synopsis as an attachment

Your completed manuscript saved as a Word doc. Forever Yours will only consider manuscripts that are complete at the time of submission.

Response time: up to 8 weeks

You should receive a response, even if rejected


Submit Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers harper collins

HarperCollins Submission Details

Imprint that accepts unsolicited manuscripts:

Avon Impulse (romance) – CURRENTLY CLOSED

Submit online here

Input query letter, brief synopsis, best scene or first 1,000 words

Upload manuscript (unsure if must be completed MS)

Response time: 3 months

You should receive a response, even if negative

Witness Impulse (mystery, suspense, thriller) – CURRENTLY CLOSED

Submit online here

Input query letter, brief synopsis, best scene or first 1,000 words

Upload manuscript (unsure if must be completed MS, there is an option to say incomplete)

Response time: guessing 3 months (same as Avon Impulse)


Submit Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers macmillan

Macmillan Publisher Index

Imprint that accepts unsolicited manuscripts:

Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Submit via mail

Rules: Include a cover letter describing submission & first 50 pages of MS

If you wish to hear back include a self-addressed stamped envelope in submission

Response time: 3 – 5 months of receipt of submission


Submit Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers penguin random house

Penguin Random House Submission Details

Imprints that accept unsolicited manuscripts:

DAW (science fiction & fantasy)

Only accepts electronic submissions through their Submittable page

Response time: 3+ months

No response = rejection

Schwartz & Wade

Accepts picture books, middle grade, young adult, non-traditional non-fiction & graphic novels

Submit via mail: Schwartz & Wade Books, Submissions Editor, 1745 Broadway, 10-4, New York, New York 10019.

Digital imprints are apparently open for submissions, however, I didn’t have much luck with the links on this page (scroll to the end for digital imprints). Most of the links are duds and the only one that worked is for Loveswept & Flirt (romance & women’s fiction). Unfortunately, they are CURRENTLY CLOSED for submissions.


Submit Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers simon & schuster

Simon & Schuster Submission details

Does not accept unsolicited manuscripts

Directs you to their self-publishing service for those of us who can’t get an agent: Archway Publishing

Submit Your Manuscript to a Smaller US Publisher


entangled publishing

Entangled Publishing is an independent publisher of romantic fiction – no surprise they are open for submissions across all of their imprints!

Please see the submission information page or click on one of the links below:

  • Amara – 70k-120k word single title adult romance novels.
  • August – 20k-70k word category romance featuring Gen-X characters.
  • Bliss – 20k-60k sweet category romance.
  • Brazen – 20k-60k erotic category romance.
  • Embrace – New Adult romance novels or novels with romantic elements.
  • Entangled Teen – 70k-120k word romance novels or novels with romantic elements.
  • Indulgence – 45k-60k contemporary category romance.
  • Lovestruck – 20k-60k contemporary, romantic comedy category romance.
  • Scandalous – 20k-65k historical category romance.
  • Scorched – 15k-65k novellas, serialized novellas, and full-length novels, all with erotic romance elements.
  • Teen Crave – 20k-60k paranormal/scifi/fantasy YA category romance.
  • Teen Crush – 20k-60k contemporary YA category romance.

So that’s it folks! Enjoy and good luck submitting!



Diversin Books Publishing details and Submission details

Accepts unsolicited manuscripts:

Accepts only certain genres (see publishing details)

Submit via email

In the body of email include a query letter and a few chapters of your MS. Do not send attachments

Cannot guarantee a response


Last updated 21st Feb 2019




57 responses to “Submitting Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers”

  1. […] did this for one of my articles by accident, Submitting Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers. This article continues to perform exceptionally well and is currently getting 10-15 organic views a […]


  2. Ken W. Simpson Avatar
    Ken W. Simpson

    An absolute waste of time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s interesting that this is my most viewed blog of all time on my website! Most of the traffic is from search engines. There must be so many people submitting their manuscripts right at this moment!


  3. Great web site and excellent post. I certainly will become a follower AND thank you so much for taking a look at “Words of Wisdom”. Take care. Bob


  4. Tom Austin Avatar
    Tom Austin

    I just reblogged your post ” Submitting Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers” to Abitsa. It was great and very useful too. Thanks, MS.


  5. Tom Austin Avatar
    Tom Austin

    Reblogged this on Abitsa and commented:
    A fantastic piece…well worth the read. Educational too! Bravo Milly.


  6. Thanks for the follow – one thing about WordPress I love is making contact with others of like mind from half way ’round the world – when you’re in Australia like I am, that’s most people. Follow the dream…


  7. […] be one of the ‘lucky ones’ and get a contract for one of my books straight off the bat from one of the Big 5 (okay, just anyone!) But that was not to be, not to be at […]


  8. […] is a wonderful idea. While most authors (like me) secretly want to be published by one of the big, well-known publishing houses, there are so many reasons why it’s a good idea to self-publish – nine to be exact (but […]


  9. This was very informative. Thank you very much, Miss Schmidt. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. […] of these days, but if I’m being honest, I still dream about being published by one of the Big 5. And not because I want my stories ‘to go out into the world to be read by other […]


  11. Light Writes Avatar
    Light Writes

    Thank you so much for these! I had no idea what I was doing when I tried researching this myself…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very welcome 🙂 I love researching and creating lists like this one 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. […] is the way to go. While everyone secretly wants to be published by one of the Big 5, I’ve finally begun to see that the advantages to self-publishing are actually pretty great […]


  13. Do you know who I should send an unsolicited poetry manuscript to? (US)

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Do you know who I should send an unsolicited poetry manuscript to? ( US)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mmmm sorry I’m clean outa info on the poetry side – might be a good idea for a blog post!


  15. Thanks for the information! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, hope it was helpful!


  16. […] manuscript through to one of the Australian Big 5 and then submitted to a small, slightly obscure, US traditional press I uncovered in a #pitmad related post. And BAM! Exactly 2 weeks after submitting to the US Company […]


  17. Reblogged this on Ask Ms Mandi and commented:
    Some great information!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the reblog!


  18. Thanks for sharing and thank you for stopping by!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, thanks so much for returning the favour!


  19. You have made some good points there. I checked on the web for more information about
    the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this website.


  20. Thank you so much for this, I’ve always had trouble remembering which were the big 5. And many thanks for visiting my blog and thus enabling me to find you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here, I suppose being Australian I didn’t know what the ‘Big 5’ were in the US, so I learned a lot researching for this post 🙂


  21. Have just reblogged this brilliant piece – for which many thanks. I visited here because you Liked my blog for ACE writers and readers, for which also thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s wonderful thanks!! I’m glad I visited your website! Great to connect with someone from the UK ☺️


  22. Reblogged this on Elizabeth Mapstone: It's never too late… and commented:
    Visited your entertaining blog after you Liked mine – fo which thanks. Really appreciate your research, so am reblogging for the benefit of my own followers. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks so much for your informative post. After being accepted for a position with, I will still pursue these. I appreciate so much your willingness to share. I hope I can be of help to people as well:)


  24. (Haha!) A condolence prize (hahaha!) — as if someone had died? (Haha!) How peculiar. (Hahaha!) I could understand a consolation prize (haha!) — as if you hadn’t won the big prize on The Price is Right, (hahahahaha!) but a condolence prize? (Hahahahahaha!) That’s hilarious! (Hahahahahahaha!) Oh, help! I. Can’t. Breathe! Hahahahahahahaha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh this is just golden!!! You noticed!! I thought no one had hahaha consolation just didn’t quite seem to fit the severity of my disappointment in Simon & Schuster offering a self-publishing service straight after declaring they don’t take unsolicited manuscripts

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You did an admirable job of subtle placement — making it that much funnier! So what they’re saying is that they don’t want to invest any effort or money in something they haven’t asked to see, but they’re happy to offer you a way to pay them something if you do all the work. smh

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have mixed feelings about the self-publishing. In one way it seems to say your work is not good enough. In another it provides opportunities for some books that are truly creditable, but just don’t make it through the publishing world hoops. With computers and the Internet it seems more people are writing and publishing these days. There is so much to read, but if you try to stay up on the reading, how do you find the time to write? Your post will be helpful to those beginning the process?


  25. Hey I nominated you for an award, If you do not accept awards please stop by and check out the blogs I chose to share and and join my informal meet and greet!


  26. Reblogged this on Puzzles of the Soul – Soul Quotes and commented:
    Millie has done a great deal of work compiling this list of US Publishers and their requirements. Hope you find it helpful.


  27. Thanks Millie for this re-sharing you have put a lot of work into this.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. This is actually a common tactic in the US a lot of authors who have difficulty getting published here will try to publish overseas then if they are lucky the US imprints will pick up and sell the book here in the US thank you so much for the comprehensive list I’m actually very interested to hear about a picture book publisher who will take unsolicited manuscripts thank you very much!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Thank you for liking one of my posts. It was the reason I clicked on this, exactly what I was after. Can’t wait to get home and read it now…. So much appreciated. 🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you clicked through!! I was just looking at your poems, they’re wonderful, a few struck a cord with me. I usually don’t click the ‘poetry’ tag, as I can’t really write poetry that well, very impressed with those who can!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙏 thank you. That means a lot and is encouraging for someone who struggles to think much of themselves

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Don’t worry, I never think it’s a great idea for a writer to think they are amazing and the best writer in the world. But you should definitely believe in yourself 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  30. […] Source: Submitting Your Manuscript to the Big 5 US Publishers […]

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Nice list and run down! 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Really useful, I will have to spend time looking up the UK ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Very comprehensive list! Thanks for the effort and for sharing the results! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Thank you for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Reblogged this on Mind the Dog Writing Blog and commented:
    Hey, writers! Fellow blogger, Millie Schmidt, at, put together this comprehensive and extremely informative piece about submitting your work for publication. Check it out!

    Liked by 2 people

  36. This was so helpful and informative! Thanks for the shout-out, too–you didn’t have to do that (but I’m glad you did!). Especially encouraging is that you got real feedback from the smaller publishers. Also, it’s very helpful that you included whether or not writers receive responses if their work is not accepted. Thank you again! Phenomenal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again for the idea!! It was very interesting researching the US publishers. The smaller ones are amazing. My first ever feedback was from one of them, ramram publishing, they’re great!! The feeling of getting a ‘real’ reply was so exciting, I’m so thankful to them. And yes I think it’s important to know if you’re going to get a response (accepted or not) I’d just go insane otherwise if I didn’t know 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  37. angela1313 Avatar

    This is quite comprehensive. Thank you and give yourself a treat for all the hard work!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wonderful I’m so happy to hear that!! I really enjoyed researching for this one. thanks 🙂


  38. You’ve been busy. Thanks for sharing, Millie.

    Liked by 1 person

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