The nine main stereotypes of writers

When most people picture a writer they imagine an intelligent but crazy bohemian hermit who spends their days addicted to caffeine in all its forms and dreaming up fantastical worlds and despicable murders.  It may shock some people to learn that some writers may enjoy going to the beach, love the sun, prefer to be outdoors, and actually, NO, they don’t know a single thing about how a computer works, but if you need help with anything Microsoft word related – well you’re in luck!

1. Writers are computer whizzes – No mother, I am NOT A COMPUTER WHIZ. I’ve been slaving away on my laptop for years because I enjoy writing (and netflix), not because I like computer programs and learning how to connect a laptop to wi-fi. Please stop asking me for help because I don’t know (OK I do, but that’s beside the point).



2. Writers are poor hippie drifters – you know the image, floating through life with no real direction, living a frugal bohemian lifestyle due to lack of funds (or living off an allowance from your S.O’s income). Well this stereotype is well deserved. I think most writers ARE poor. And if they’re not they are either delusional, have a second job OR they are that 0.01% who are famous and get six figure book deals.

waiting cat


3. Published writers are rich & famous – I really don’t understand the ‘rich & famous’ stereotype, but it exists because most people don’t realise that while many authors can be famous, they might not actually make much money from their novels (they may even have a day job). I can’t even tell you how many friends and family have said: “oh, I bet you’ll be the next J.K.Rowling.” What are you talking about? There’s no betting in this. Yes, of course I’ll be the next J.K.



4. Writers are crazy loners – and not only that, they are depressed, overly emotional, introverted hermits who rant and rave about all the injustices in this world. There are so many reasons why this stereotype exists – and I have to say they are all good cause for alarm. For example, all you have to do is take one quick look at what fiction writers are dreaming up, and you’ll know why. Stephen King’s The Shining is a pretty good example.

cat plotting


5. Writer’s love to drink coffee & eat chocolate – so this point also includes drinking red wine and smoking (I couldn’t possibly have ten stereotypes in this blog post. Cats only have nine lives after all.) Personally I’m a huge fan of red wine – it conjures up an image of a moody & interesting writer with a lot on her mind. Chocolate conjures up an image of a befuddled writer avoiding writer’s block – and yes I know, some of you are tea drinkers.



6. Writers suffer writer’s block ALL THE TIME – well if we stopped complaining, maybe this stereotype wouldn’t exist. PUT THAT BLOODY PIECE OF CHOCOLATE DOWN AND WRITE. Some (smart) writer’s like to hide their writer’s block under a veil of industriousness until they can overcome said hurdle. But whether you call it laziness, boredom, fear, procrastination or an undisciplined nature, we all suffer from it from time to time.



7. Writers are night owls – ever heard how writers can stay up until 3am writing? Yes it’s true. I really can’t contest this one. And if someone says they are an ‘early riser writer’ and not a night owl… well that’s a load of bullshit. 5am is  NIGHT TIME. I don’t care if you think you’re getting up an hour before the kids to get some writing in. 5am is the middle of the night.



8. Writers can write anything – my friends constantly pick me up if I even dare spell a word wrong (auto correct doesn’t exist for writers) and they expect me to be able to write anything. But no, just because I’m a fiction writer does not mean I can write any form of poetry, literary journal articles, grant proposals, reviews, advertisements or media speeches. If you want to know about the three-act structure or how to incorrectly plot a novel – I’m your girl! But if you ask me about stanzas, alliteration or haiku – well I really have no fucking clue, please don’t ask.



9. Writers own cats – I’m guilty of this one. On the surface I only have one cat (which is perfectly normal), but if you count my childhood cat who is still alive, and this cat that three friends and I bought while at university… well, it means I technically own three. So yeah, this stereotype is true. And if you’re a writer who owns a dog – I salute you for shouldering this burden along with us (like when Canadians get mistaken for Americans or Kiwis get mistaken for Aussies or South Africans get mistaken for… Swedes?) If you’re a champ like me and have both a dog and a cat… how on earth do you get through all those fights?

cat attacking dog

P.s this is my last post until January, so Merry Christmas!!

Gifs sourced from:,,,,


101 responses to “The nine main stereotypes of writers”

  1. Lynn Marie Avatar
    Lynn Marie

    Not rich and famous and no cats, the rest …. um, yes! 🙂


  2. […] The Nine Main Stereotypes of Writers […]


  3. How about ‘writers are alcoholics?’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am here for the second time, re-reading this because who doesn’t love cats GIFs?
    Also, this post is so on point and brightens my day.


  5. Hi Milly,
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog and consider it worthy of following. I have six followers today on the second day of my writing blog. I don’t know how it will work ahead. 🙂 Out of your stereotypes, I’m guilty of quite a few; cats, late nights, chocolates (yes please, but dark ones) and writers block.


  6. Expert use of cat gifs!


  7. Loved this! I have five cats and one dog. Two cats stay in my office with me when I write. (Sometimes three….)


  8. YariGarciaYA Avatar

    This post was so cute! Loved all the cat gifs ^.^

    Also, I find it funny that most people think you’re a poor writer, or a rich writer. Like there is nothing in between those two :-p


  9. Can’t really contest much of this, but for what it’s worth I did hear somewhere that chocolate and red wine are anti-ageing, so the ivory tower has some health benefits …


  10. I noticed that you followed my blog yesterday and I’m excited because this is the second blog post I’ve read of yours and I’m already hooked. I laughed entirely too much XD

    You have a fan 😀
    PS: I love wine, chocolate, and tea XD
    PPS: I wish I had a kitteh!


  11. […] the name of my blog to ‘The Cat’s Write’. Even today, my most popular post of all time is The nine main stereotypes of writers. Seems I’ll never be able to escape all the cats! (Funnily enough, since I wrote this, my top […]


  12. Liesel Blixen Avatar
    Liesel Blixen

    Well I have all nine. I would like to add alcoholism, erratic behaviour and mental illness to the list. :p


  13. I love coffee, chocolate and alone time. But I also happen to be a gregarious fellow who can be quite the social butterfly. I also happen to have a cat, even though I volunteer my time with rescue dogs. And while I have written on a great many things, I do so love to simply rant. Ranting is a favorite topic, in fact.

    What I’m trying to say is, us writers ain’t got one way of doing things. Well . . you definitely said it better.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is so funny how these stereotypes really don’t apply to many writers at all!! However, I reckon I fall into quite a few of these brackets, though I would never admit it hahaha

      Anyway, thanks!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not admitting as much definitely makes you a writer.


  14. suraiyyaamatullah Avatar

    Reblogged this on .


  15. Oh, that was pretty funny!
    I say that I fit into some of those stereotypical categories. There is truth in every myth, after-all.
    A few of your blog posts contain a list of NINE things. That had me wondering. I am so happy that I found the answer to this fascinating issue in this post. I would not be able to sleep tonight otherwise, so thank you!


  16. Reblogged this on Elfin Dragon's (LisaG) Blog and commented:
    Hilarity ensues when we think of such stereotypes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the reblog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. This is a wonderful post.. and those gifs are perfect 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I had so much fun putting it together haha 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. erkendrich Avatar

    Oh dear, so many of these stereotypes seem to fit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha I know exacly how you feel!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Purrfect haha 😂🐆🐅🐈

    Liked by 1 person

  20. […] Source: The nine main stereotypes of writers – with cats – The Cat’s Write […]


  21. Love your posts and the cats are fabulous. LOL Really, so much fun, as well as great tips and advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you ☺ that means so much to me ☺


  22. Fine piece of work.
    I’ll like to share as to what I’m guilty of and think regarding your stereotypes:
    1. I am a computer whiz!
    2. Hippie drifter all the way.
    3. Totally agreed with that stereotype (we all know not all published writers are rich and famous)
    4. Love being by myself (most of the time)
    5. Love to eat chocolates
    6. No writer’s block as such, the words just come when they do.
    7. Night owl since birth
    8. Do write a lot of things, but of course one can’t be good at everything
    9. Don’t own a cat now, but will try to get one soon. Love cats! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!!! I absolutely loved reading your response to this!! I always wonder how many writers actually fit the stereotypes, looks like you fit quite a few of them! I’m impressed. I wish so much I could be a ‘hippie drifter’ but apparently everyone thinks I’m too ‘prim & proper’ – although I have no idea how I portray this! Oh well ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  23. *sits in front of computer alone in the dark in a beat-up old chair at 1am
    sipping coffee*

    I don’t know where people get these crazy ideas from.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 1am = happy hour for writers hahaha


  24. This is hilarious and sooooo true

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I feel like this post peered into my soul, so many of these are true hahah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so comforting to know that we’re all so similar ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  26. And yet, I look over this list and I was a poor hippie drifter until I married a Human Resources coordinator and became a less poor hippie stuck in the same house (we celebrated our 32nd anniversary so it isn’t all bad), I am a loner, I prefer to fade into the wall at parties lest someone corner me and spur me into performance mode, I take 240 mg of Cymbalta daily for depressions and the world is filled with injustice (which is about to get worse). I quit smoking but I love coffee, enjoy chocolate and red wine. I do my best writing between 2 and 5 am. I learned to write anything because Hemingway’s jounralism influenced his prose. I even wrote comedy for Esther’s Follies and a local community TV Show. Writing good poetry only improves your fiction (although not the other way around.)

    I recommend that all writers expand their boundaries to hone their special skills.

    Most of all, we rescue cats for We’ve adopted out hundreds but a few refused to go and become lifers.

    I guess I was doomed to be a writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is sooo funny becasue I’m actually an HR Officer myself (my wonderful day job)!! Maybe it’s why I have never been able to embrace the hippie drifter part of my soul – although I’m well adept at the poor bit!

      I’m really, really impressed that you rescue cats – if that’s not a writer then I don’t know what is hahaha


  27. Reblogged this on Anna Kaling and commented:
    I’m guilty of three. You?

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Ha, love this! I’m guilty of three: good with computers, definite night owl (do my best writing between 2-5am) and have cats. I’m not sure why we all have cats when they are the biggest single source of “writer’s block” I know of: sitting on the paper when you try to hand write, sitting on the laptop when you try to type, demanding belly rubs when you get to the exciting bits of the scene…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, why on Earth do writers get cats? Even worse, mine loves to chew and destroy all signs of paper – losts a few manuscripts that way!!

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Reblogged this on lmnelsonscorner and commented:
    Ha ha ha. Yup. This is pretty accurate.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. I love this blog post and the gifs you used! I admit I’m guilty of thinking about writers in a stereotype way too. I have a cat but I’m not a writer and I think she’s happy with that because she already doesn’t like my blogging too much so if I was to write even more, she’d definitely kill me :-).

    Liked by 1 person

  31. 😂😂 So many of these applied to me, i couldnt help but laugh at all your comments. And yes, I have a cat, too. Looks like were both guilty of that one.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. This is wonderful, Millie. I love red wine, and have had cats and dogs together, who always got along.
    Pictures are a hoot!
    Thanks for the follow.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Great post and many true statements. I have written on and off since I was a young boy. Love points 4 and 5, I love cats and coffee of course! Thanks for the follow and look forward to future posts. I will try to do my best to provide encouragement.


  34. This was adorable, and had me giggling. I love the Russian Blue kitty with her paw on the money. So cute.


  35. So funny, Millie. I agree that many of these are stereotypes.The images cracked me up too. 🙂


  36. Ha,ha! I am published but I ain’t rich yet. I enjoyed reading this 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Thanks for following me Millie. I thought you already had done??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes I accidentally press the unfollow button 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😀 I’ve done it too!


  38. expandyourmindwithwords Avatar

    Hahaha! I loved “i couldn’t possibly have 10 stereotypes, cats only have 9 lives after all”. Too funny!! Great post ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you!! 🙂


  39. How about, “Writers are grouchy old men who can’t get along with store clerks.” Oh, wait: I prove that one daily. OK, I’ve got it… “Writers always get pages and pages of comments on their blog posts.”

    Way to perpetuate the last one, Millie!

    I’ve got to know: are any of the cats in your GIFs yours?


  40. *looks suspicious* Have you been spying on me? Because that first paragraph pretty much described me perfectly! hehe I guess us writers are hopeless…
    Have a happy new year!
    PS. I also haven't a clue about Haiku, I think I used to know.


  41. Mel Beasley Avatar
    Mel Beasley

    Embarrassingly enough…most of these ring true for me…

    I don’t necessarily believe writer’s block in a thing. I prefer procrastination. It’s not that I don’t know what to write as much as I tend to avoid writing it because it might be challenging.


  42. Charlene Bullard - Avatar
    Charlene Bullard –

    Lovely post! Funny too! (My cat would enjoy it)


  43. I think that you are right on the money. I can relate to all nine points and what’s life without a cat? Have a wonderful Christmas and looking forward to your posts in the new year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Lol!! Substitute “artist” for “writer” and I resemble this!! Pass the chocolate please – oh and the catnip for my cat! Lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so correct!! This totally applies to any one doing anything vaguely artistic 😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

  45. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


  46. Absolutely excellent !!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Grandtrines Avatar

    Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.


  48. Grandtrines Avatar

    Reblogged this on Still Another Writer's Blog.

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  49. writteningeek Avatar

    Merry Christmas to you too!

    Liked by 1 person

  50. I adore the cats. The post isn’t bad either! :))

    Liked by 1 person

  51. How fun! I love alll the kitty GIF’s! Thanks for the follow–I reciprocated!

    Liked by 1 person

  52. 100th like from me. Very amusing post. In a tea drinking, dog and cat owning procrastinator here. Loved the post

    Liked by 1 person

  53. These are so accurate haha! Especially number 8

    Liked by 1 person

  54. So much truth in #3!!! 🙂 Loved this one!

    Liked by 1 person

  55. I love that everything is cat focused. I’ll read properly later. I just wanted to say thank you for the follow.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. emotionsoflife2016 Avatar

    Love this pics


  57. Ha! Yeah, there are some truths here: especially about the alternate terms for writers’ block. I don’t run out if ideas, but I’ve sure been known to procrastinate!

    Liked by 1 person

  58. I actually do love coffee, wine, and very dark chocolate. And the only reason I don’t own a cat is because pets aren’t allowed in my rental agreement.
    But as for computer skills? If google can’t answer my question, I go running to my techy friends.

    Love your work.

    Liked by 2 people

  59. Have a great Christmas! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Is it okay that I can relate to #5 (the chocolate part anyway), #7 (when I’m in writing mode, I’m in mad crazy writing mode), and #9 (I actually have a cat and a dog. Yay, me! 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

  61. Too funny. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Liked by 1 person

  62. I love this post! ❤ It was hilarious and had great cat gifs. What isn't to love? 😛 Happy holidays!

    Liked by 1 person

  63. I love your blog! I love your posts – with cats!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. I can edit during the day, proofread during the day, scratch out a few notes or paragraphs during the day, but the only time to write is at night with the light off, Carol asleep beside me, my keyboard backlit and the cats finally settled down somewhere out of sight.


  65. Reblogged this on Wind Eggs and commented:
    True fact: Some writers don’t have any pets, although they’re denying themselves a lot of love, a great source of material, and the opportunity to clean up vomit and have their most prized possessions destroyed.


  66. Thanks for the morning’s entertainment – from a white wine drinking, dog owning writer! And Merry Christmas!


  67. Hilarious and relatable post! Thanks so much for this; it made me smile. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  68. Fabulous and funny. Packed with useful information. I love this post. Thanks for sharing!


  69. Sadly (or not) I fit most. But even more sadly, I am missing a cat. Or ten.


  70. Awesome, Millie! A wonderful blog post to end 2016 blogging-wise. 😀


  71. I love this list, though I don’t fit into about half of them. I’ve just accepted that my writing will vary, and just flow with it.


  72. Felicia Denise Avatar
    Felicia Denise

    Reblogged this on Nesie's Place and commented:
    The cats are back! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!! Glad you like them 😉


  73. cynthiahm Avatar

    There’s something about cats… too funny!


  74. Felicia Denise Avatar
    Felicia Denise

    I’d get a cat, but I already have a husband…I’ve sacrificed enough!

    Thanks for the giggles! Have yourself a Merry little Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄🎄🎄


  75. Books 'n' Reviews Oh My Avatar
    Books ‘n’ Reviews Oh My

    I’ve never related so much to a post before. This was wonderful, and the cat gifs made my day. Merry christmas to you too!


  76. Great, fun post! Love the cat gifs, so cute. 🙂


  77. Claire Cramphorn Avatar
    Claire Cramphorn

    Love this Millie! I’m rubbish on the computer too! Xx


  78. I totally agree – 5am is the middles of the night!

    Liked by 1 person

  79. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I love this funny take on writer stereotypes by Millie Schmidt.

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