The Cat Behind The Cat’s Write

My little munchkin, Sven, passed away last week on March 20 after he was hit by a car. He was only two years old. I could go on and on about how guilty I feel that he got out of the house that day and I forgot about him, but I can’t do that to myself.

I really wanted to let you all know so you could understand why I’ve been a little silent this past week and not replying to comments or emails like I usually would. My heart is still aching very badly and I miss him… so much.

The very reason I named my blog ‘The Cat’s Write’ was because of Sven and his great love of eating paper (a.k.a my manuscript) and sitting on my laptop while I (attempted) to type away. He was the most entertaining writing buddy and I loved him for it.

Sven also helped me get over the loss of my first cat, Moet, who went missing in March 2016. The day I brought Sven home in June 2016 was the day I started to heal again from Moet’s disappearance. He fitted in so perfectly with me and my dog Poppy – it was like he’d always been part of our family.

I think some people underestimate just how much grief one can feel when you lose a beloved pet. Apparently the pain you feel can be comparable to losing a close family member, yet we don’t always get the support we need from those around us. I went to work the day after Sven died even though it felt like torture. There is no such things as ‘personal leave’ for when your pet-children die – at least, not in my country.

Losing Sven has been one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to deal with. Some days I feel like I’m dying. My body is still aching in places that have never ached before as it tries to silently process a grief that is still poorly misunderstood and sometimes disregarded by others.

Sven was always there, right beside me, following me around the house. It didn’t matter if I’d only moved two steps, there he’d be. My most favourite moment of every day was waking up to Sven stretched out next to me on my bed – or pawing me in the face, meowing for food. This morning, before I could remember that he was gone, I thought he was sitting on my legs. It was just a cushion.

I also loved coming home from work to scoop him up in my arms. I’d do anything to feel his reassuring weight on my shoulder again and his little claws digging into my back. He was so gentle too, he never chewed your hands and he absolutely loved his belly rubs! He was my little shadow who followed me wherever I went.

This past week, little memories of him have been flirting in and out of my mind, often startling me out of the blue. Like the sound of his double bell collar rattling whenever I called for him, his obsession with drinking fresh water straight from the tap, playing fetch with my hair ties, how he politely NEVER attacked my Christmas tree until I was taking it down, how he loved to watch TV and could open any door he was presented with (by staring at it, then I’d come running).

I’m sorry for the flood of Sven photos I’m about to shower you with, but I really wanted to share with you this precious little corner of my heart that will remain empty until the end of my days. I really don’t want to forget him, not ever.



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115 responses to “The Cat Behind The Cat’s Write”

  1. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  2. Our hearts go out to you. Colette, Simone and our human.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so so much xx

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  3. My heart goes out to you. I have 3 kitties and i dread that day. Its not easy… I lost my two labradors. They are our babies. I send a hug, kavita, sunshiny south africa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words! Really helps ❤️❤️ hugs for you too ☀️☀️


  4. Thank you for shereing your feelings Milly Schmidt! ❤
    I lost my cat, Blue She was my all. ❤ ❤ . She past away about 2 yrs ago…. I was ❤ broken.


  5. I am so sorry for you loss. I have also recently lost my cat, Tina. She was my baby girls so I completely get it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am terribly sorry for your loss. I know that feeling – and I know that not that many people, especially the it’s-just-a-cat people, can understand how much it hurts to lose a beloved cat. Because they can’t talk, because we’re responsible for their well-being, there’s always a little guilt when they pass, even if it’s of old age… When I found myself alone, without any cat left, I just couldn’t bear it. I started thinking about going to a shelter, and then I found Simba (a 4 months old abandoned kitten). And he found and brought home another abandoned (tiny) kitten two years later – that’s my Luna. She loves shredding paper. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is so sad! Thank you for sharing so much. I’ve lost cats and my two current kitties are cherished, irreplaceable companions. So I completely understand. ❤️😽

    Liked by 2 people

  8. It speaks volumes as to who you are that you bonded so to your beloved Sven! Man and animal, our souls really are made of the same “stuff” … making these beautiful connections inevitable for many of us. Sven lives on in abundant memories, sweet lady 💗


  9. This is beautiful. Cats make a house a home, and you do love them like family. I love how you have captured his character. He sounds very sweet. You must miss him an awful lot. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Sorry for your loss

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  11. This broke my heart, I’m so sorry for your fur baby to be gone too soon. 😿

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Debbie xx

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  12. Sabine Avatar

    I´m so very sorry for your loss. I hope your heart can heal soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ooh don’t. it made me so sad. I really really pleased for shared your feelings and you’re awesome to have this feelings. I suggest to you give a chance to another sweetheart cat by adopt. Because not everyone have your feelings and you gotta share your beautiful energy with another sweet which one
    l needs to human love. Offcourse you know this better than so many person. Please give a chance them who is alone. Make sure one of thoose which one you choosed, gonna try everything make you feels better because i’m sure you will show that sweet your all lovely feelings too. Please don’t stay your sadbox in your mind. We’re loving people like you. You have a sooo beautiful heart. All the best Milly.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely message 🙂 I ended up adopting two adult cats who really needed a home. I would say that I’m finally healing and have almost found my happy place 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Whaaat??? Really??? Yessss! You’re awesome. I can’t express how you made me happy. I just wanna thank you for those sweets. Please kiss them for me. Thank you thank you thank you.


  14. So sorry for your lost. Pets become family so quickly. We don’t even realize how much of our lives we share with them. They are there for the good and the bad with no judgement just love. Thanks for sharing 💞💞

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  15. iamthesunking Avatar

    I’m so sorry. I’m only just catching up with this sad news. Sven sounds like an absolutely wonderful cat & I hope he is causing havoc chewing paper in kitty heaven. Lots of love to you from me & Louis Catorze. 😿


  16. oilpaintingschrista Avatar

    I am very sorry for your lost(hugs)

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  17. Milly – I came back to read more about your precious pet … Sven was beautiful and clearly a beloved pet. You and he made the most of your two years together, the photo slideshow certainly tells all of us that. I feel your pain, having lost my little Buddy – there is a void that will never go away because of the special connection you have with your pet. Take care. – Linda


  18. […] heartfelt emails and for being so understanding and sharing in my grief when I posted about losing Sven last […]


  19. […] lovely, heartfelt emails and for being so understanding and sharing in my grief when I posted about losing Sven last […]


  20. I am so sorry for your lost…I can’t even imagine. So sorry. You’re in my thoughts.


  21. I’m so sorry. Losing pets is so hard. We lost the family dog when I was still in high school and I honestly still have vivid dreams about her. Now I have a cat of my own and I dread the day she’s not with me anymore. She’s helped me through a lot and makes me smile all the time. Sending good vibes your way.


  22. I’m really sorry you lost little Sven. I know how that feels. Take care and be kind to yourself dear.

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  23. I feel your pain! I had a beautiful boy named Lancelot. He was my roommate, my writing companion, my everything. I raised him from a kitten, taking him from someone who was just going to throw him out on a back road and leave him. He was 5 years old when he passed away from Feline Leukemia. That was a year ago, and I still cry when I think of him. I have yet to replace him as he is irreplaceable and my heart is not ready for another love just yet. You are right about people not understanding how it feels to lose a pet, but I am blessed with friends who do so my grief is easier to bear. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures of your baby boy and I wish you the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Miss my pet too 😭

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  25. Please fill your life up once again by adopting a rescue cat. I adopted Callie after my jack Russel terrier died from cancer but she had to prove herself because she was a stray and I was a dog person. Now I am a blogger. I will follow you now and will be sending you healing thoughts and look forward to reading your posts.


  26. So deeply sorry of the loss of your beloved Sven, Milly. It’s very sad when they have to go to the bridge and even if we didn’t know him, we feel the deep pain you’re going through *wipes tears*. Maybe a cold comfort, but know that he will be always near you ❤ Soft Pawkisses to comfort you and your doggie ❤
    Fly Free beautiful Soul ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  27. What a lovely post. I totally get where you’re coming from on this and I hope you’ve started to feel better. When our first cat died 12 years ago, after having her company for 17 years, I was devastated. I kept imagining her everywhere in the house, next to me in bed, by the bed, on the stairs, walking through doorways. felt like I was going crazy because you’re just supposed to cope with it like it’s an everyday event. It does eventually ease but you ever forget them thankfully. xxx


  28. I’m sorry for your loss. It seems like you gave Sven a life filled with love.

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  29. So sorry to hear, Milly. Pets are family. 😦

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  30. Oh no, Milly, I’m so terribly sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. Sending you many hugs right now. xx

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  31. This has brought me to tears. Losing a pet is the worst type of pain. You should never blame yourself for things like this. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. I’m so sorry Milly. My first cat Bailey was hit by a car, eventually we found Jasper who filled our home with love. Unfortunately he went missing before Christmas. It’s a huge hole in our family and one we’re not ready to fill yet. I’m still hoping he comes home.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs in your time grief.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. My mom just had a 20+ year old cat Rosie put to sleep yesterday. I think she cares for her rescued dogs and cats more than her two sons. She’ll get another, I’m sure. I’ve never had my own pet maybe partially because loaing them is so difficult. But to lose a two year old to a car is just tragic. I really feel for you, Milly. No comment necessary. RIP, Sven.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just saw the slide show. What a wonderful cat. Glad you saw my comment. Life not fair. Cars suck. More bikes!

      Liked by 1 person

  34. He was a gorgeous cat! My heart breaks for you, Milly.
    We have two cats, which my children are very much attached to. I can’t even bear to think about something happening to our cats.
    Thanks for sharing Sven’s story, and the cute photos of him. 💕

    Liked by 3 people

  35. I’m so, so, SO sorry, Milly. Sending you lots of love and healing vibes, from one pet mom to another ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  36. Oh Milly! My heart hurts for you!! Our furrbabies are such a big part of our lives. You made such a wonderful home for Sven. You made a difference in his life by adopting him.
    I recently posted about one of our dogs that we had to put down. She was adopted to help my mom through cancer. My mom didn’t make it and I inherited her dog. When I had to put her down it was like reopening a deep wound. Punched in the gut. Are there an end to the tears? Same for my black cat. I missed him so much it hurt. I decided I wanted another black cat but out of no where this orange kitty found me. Kept coming around and fell in love with my dachshund. Felt like my cat sent him my way.
    I hope your heart heals as your memories bring you less pain and bring more comfort ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  37. I’m so sorry Milly. My heart goes out to you. When I lost my best, most favorite every fur baby to kidney failure, it was all I could do to keep putting one foot in front of the other. He was 20 and had been with me through everything – He was in my life longer than my husband has been so far. It’s a kick in the gut that takes a long time to recover from. Hugs to you from one cat mama to another. 😦

    Liked by 3 people

  38. Oh Milly, my heart breaks for you. I can feel the love and the pain in your words. Sven was a precious soul, and I am so so sorry that he is no longer with you. The death of a pet is just as hard as any other death, and I wish I could gift you the time to rest and grieve. Sending so much love your way.

    Liked by 3 people

  39. So sorry to read this sad and tragic news. Losing a furry friend is always so hard and painful. Wishing you lots of strength.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Sympathy for your loss.

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  41. I am so so sorry! Nothing replaces a furry one! Sending warm thoughts.

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  42. Dear little Sven. I’m so sad for you Milly. It is heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet. Be strong and remember, grieving takes as long as it takes.

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  43. Condolences. I really don’t know what to say. I want to say something comforting. I want to do something that will make you feel better. I…..

    Liked by 3 people

  44. My deepest condolences, Milly. Our furbabies truly are family. Sven sounds one of a kind. Thanks to your words, photos, and this blog, his memory will live on in each of us now. ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

  45. So sorry for your loss💔. My heart breaks with you because I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. It’s been more than 3 yrs since our dog passed and there’s still times we miss him and are reminded of him.

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  46. Jennifer Barraclough Avatar
    Jennifer Barraclough

    I understand what you are going through. Losing a pet, especially a young one, is a dreadful experience and it can take a long time to adjust. Even when you are ready to give another cat a home, you will always remember and miss your dear Sven.

    Liked by 3 people

  47. Fur-babies are the best. So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Liked by 4 people

  48. I’m so sorry to hear that, Milly. I completely agree that losing a pet can be every bit as devastating as losing a human family member – after all, they are family too. We’ve always had animals, and it is so, so hard when you lose them. You never forget them though. Never.

    Liked by 3 people

  49. I’m so sorry you’ve lost your little shadow. This is a beautiful piece. I hope you will write more about him.

    Liked by 3 people

  50. Courtnie Linette Avatar
    Courtnie Linette

    I hope things get better for you! I’ve never lost a pet but, I know if anything happened to my dog, Fenway, I would be in shambles.

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  51. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, Milly. He looks like an amazing, sweet little buddy. Wishing you time to heal.

    Liked by 4 people

  52. Jane Schmidt Avatar
    Jane Schmidt

    We are all very sad for you Millie xx I know the pain when Polly our beloved Kelpie died – love you mum xx

    Liked by 3 people

  53. writingsfromthecouch Avatar

    I am so sorry. We lost our cat Margarita on May 30, 2011, a month before moving from Madrid to Seattle, and I will never forget that day. It was that awful. Things will get better, and don’t worry, you will never forget him.

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  54. amyandbearsblog Avatar

    Sorry to hear about your loss…your cat is in heaven now with all the other animals who are at peace.

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  55. Sean D. Layton Avatar
    Sean D. Layton

    Sorry to hear this. It’s obvious that you had a great love for Sven. Hang in there!

    Liked by 3 people

  56. Sorry for your loss. Hopefully he has left you a wonderful legacy to continue writing in his name. X

    Liked by 3 people

  57. So sorry for your loss. I lost my cat in a similar way back in July, and it took everything in me to keep going afterward. Cats are amazing creatures, and for me, Combo was my only family for about six months of my life.
    Praying for comfort for you in this time.

    Liked by 3 people

  58. I can totally relate … I lost my cat Perrie a few days ago and i still can’t believe that she’s not with us any more…!!

    Liked by 3 people

  59. So very sorry to hear that!

    Liked by 3 people

  60. I am so sorry you are going through this. It’s always, always too soon when they leave us, but these young losses are particularly hard to bear. Sending you support from Florida.

    Liked by 3 people

  61. That is heartbreaking, Milly. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Pets really become a part of us, a part of family.

    I hope you heal gently.

    Liked by 3 people

  62. I’m so sorry for your loss. People never understand the bond between an owner & their fur-baby. 😥

    Liked by 3 people

  63. TheBookHamster Avatar

    I’m sorry you lost your cat. 😭😭😭

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  64. The loss of a pet is the same as a family member. All I can is that I’m sorry for this pain. 😞

    Liked by 3 people

  65. I’m so sorry for your loss! He was an adorable little guy.

    Liked by 3 people

  66. Sorry, Milly. Those pictures make me want to cry and I didn’t even know your kitty. What a beautiful cat.

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  67. Avatar


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  68. I’m so sorry, Milly! I’m sure Sven is in cat heaven somewhere, even though that doesn’t make it any easier to lose him.

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  69. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Big comforting hugs coming your way.

    Liked by 3 people

  70. That was an incredibly sad and beautiful post. You are slowly healing by talking about him. I am glad that you did this. Please do not allow guilt to eat you up. Our pets find a way of getting out. This was not your fault. You do whatever it takes to heal. Most, if not all of us on your site can relate. I know I can. Lots of thoughts and hugs headed your way.

    Liked by 2 people

  71. So very sorry 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  72. Normally I hit WP likes on posts which I really like, besides commenting, as a sign of how much I liked an article. Here, I just can’t. I feel it, Milly. I’m also a dad of 3 paw-kids, I know how much one can love their great personalities they develop. Terribly sorry for your loss. Not that this says much right now, to be honest, I get that.

    Liked by 3 people

  73. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss of Sven. I have had several cats living with me over the years, and I miss all if them. They were all different characters, and my friends. I hope you will be OK. Sending my condolences x

    Liked by 3 people

  74. bobswritingdesk Avatar

    I am sorry for your loss.

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  75. My heart is broken for you. This is making me cry. Literally. I’m sitting here looking at my cat, same furry blanket in your cat photo. Remembering when he was attacked by a coyote or something. Thought we lost him, but didn’t. Oh my gosh! I am so, so sorry for your loss. Lovely photos. I think I’m feeling your pain. Something really moved me here.

    Liked by 3 people

  76. I’m so sorry for your loss. Animals are definitely family members!

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  77. I’m so sorry for your loss😢

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  78. He was a family member. It’s nice you shared some memories with us.

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  79. Milly, i guess everyone who ever lived with a little furball can relate to your feelings. I lost one or two of those partners in life. Time won’t heal much, in my experience it was always another one of those lovely creatures who chose to cuddle up and help me to human again. Still, it’s very sad and I feel sorry for both of you ♥️

    Liked by 3 people

  80. I am so sorry about the loss of your cat. They are such sweet little souls, it is hard to lose them.

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  81. I am so sorry for your loss 😦 I’ve had to say goodbye to a couple of pets over the years, and it never gets easier for me. They are our friends, they are our family, and no one (not even our employers) can tell us otherwise…

    Liked by 3 people

  82. Oh Milly, my heart hurts with and for you. The pain of losing a pet is as real and honest as losing a human. I ache for you and my condolences. Rest in peace, sweet Sven.

    Liked by 3 people

  83. So sorry, Milly! 😦

    Liked by 3 people

  84. I’m sorry for your loss.
    I’m not going to debate whether a loss of a pet can be comparable with a loss of a human family member. However, what I will say is that my co-worker lost her dog recently. The dog needed constant care, lab tests, etc. There was just the dog and my co-worker in their small family. Only one person able to take care of the sick pet. But work was work – no “pet medical leave” available. It made me think. It is very sad that in time of your terrible grief, you have to balance work.

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  85. I grieve with you, Millie…it’s never easy to lose family members, and that”s what pets are! ♥♥♥

    Liked by 3 people

  86. So sorry for your loss, Molly. I know how you feel. Sometimes I still think of the sweet cat I lost when two neighborhood dogs sneaked up on her while she was sleeping under her favorite tree. I cried for days afterwards, and for weeks I couldn’t talk about it with others without weeping. Still hurts when I think about it fifteen years later. But then I think of the joy that cat brought into my life. The good memories will lessen the pain of the sad ones.

    Liked by 4 people

  87. RavenclawPride Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear this Milly. The pain you must be feeling right now…. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Just thinking about the day when my dogs are gone gets me cryin. I send you a big virtual hug friend 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  88. Sorry for you loss.

    Liked by 3 people

  89. So sorry to hear about Sven.

    Liked by 3 people

  90. So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet definitely feels like losing a family member because they always are. He was a beauty – I’m sure you will never forget him.

    Liked by 3 people

  91. RIP Seven….

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  92. Caith Esra Ulvar Avatar
    Caith Esra Ulvar

    I’m so sad for you, Milly… I remember losing my cat Tommie, who also loved eating paper, newspapers to be exact & lay in my school books whenever I tried doing home work. The night he was run over, I was the one who let him out of the house. I felt guilty for that for years. Remember that you were just taking care of Sven. He wanted to go outside & some arse ran him over. Please do not put the blame on yourself. & take your time to heal…

    Sending you a hug,
    Caith Esra.

    Liked by 3 people

  93. Oh, my heart goes out to you. Truly. We had to euthanize our aged Woods in November, and then our dear Jugs, who is a rascal just like your Sven, became seriously ill and it was weeks and weeks of emergency care (he has pulled through). Mourn. It is a very real loss. Know that the love of Sven will not leave you. He is a part of who you are now. Down to the core.

    Liked by 3 people

  94. So sorry for your loss.
    Our pets are always there for us, and when they’re gone it is like losing a loved one. A presence that was always there is suddenly missing. Spam us all you want with Sven pics ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  95. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Sending hugs your way.

    Liked by 3 people

  96. I’m really sorry for your loss. Our pets are family, there’s no other way of putting it. I often joke that I love my dogs a lot more than I love most people, but it’s true. And losing them hurts so bad. I hope you give yourself time to process the grief and to heal in safe place, where no one tries to tell you that he was “just a cat”. Because he wasn’t. He was your cat and he was your family.

    Liked by 3 people

  97. Very sorry to hear of your loss. They can be so determined and quick to get out. I watch my two like hawks. Painful, I feel the pain even just thinking about losing one of mine. Cats seem to find a special place. Sven was a perfect match for your personality. Take care.

    Liked by 3 people

  98. So sorry. It is awful when you loose a beloved pet. I understand your grief, achingly.

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  99. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sven sounds like a very interesting cat. Our cat, Lulu, also loves to drink water from the tap!!! Our other cat, Tiger, would NEVER let anyone take down a Christmas tree without being right in the middle of it. So, your Sven sounds like he knew you and you knew him and you belonged together. Thank you for sharing your story. You touched my heart. xoxo

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  100. A. P. Christopher Avatar
    A. P. Christopher

    Sorry for your loss. Having lost my share of pets over the years, I empathize completely. It’s always a painful experience… 🙁

    Liked by 3 people

  101. So sorry to hear. I know how painful the loss of a beloved cat can be.

    Liked by 3 people

  102. awww what gorgeous photos!
    So sorry for your loss! 🌸

    Liked by 3 people

  103. Sorry to hear 😥

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  104. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

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