I’m moving to Hanoi, Vietnam!

That title isn’t clickbait. This is really happening guys. At least now you know why I’ve been so quiet and distracted lately. I’ve been preparing for my move to Hanoi! Time is absolutely flying by and I can’t believe I’ll be leaving Australia in less than 30 days.

How on Earth did this all come about?

Good question.

It has always been a long-standing dream of mine to be an English teacher in Asia. For years I’ve been craving adventure and imagining myself finally quitting my job and just going for it. However, I always had a mortgage to pay, a responsibility toward my dog and a HECS debt that needed to be taken care of before I could leave the country. That’s not even taking into consideration how much I would miss my family. My parents live only 15 minutes from the house I bought. They’ve always been close by whenever disaster struck, so how could I ever live without them? But my mindset had shifted. I needed to go on a travelling adventure, the one I never went on in my twenties.

It took me two anxiety-filled days to figure out what I would do. Despite all the seemingly insurmountable obstacles facing me, I was going to follow my dreams and move to Hanoi to be an English teacher. If I wanted it badly enough, I would make it happen. Funnily enough, as soon as I made my decision, things started falling into place like magic. I’m not joking. The moment I decided to move overseas, my luck did a complete 180. It’s as if the universe was giving me a sign: moving to Hanoi is the right thing to do.

Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

So what’s the plan when I get to Hanoi?

Besides being one hell of an adventure that will no doubt satisfy my wild fernweh desires, my plan is to teach English as a second language while working towards one day being a freelance writer or self-published author. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been doing so much research on the topic (teaching English in Hanoi), that my head has exploded. Quite literally. My mind has splintered into a thousand tiny fragments and floated away into the stratosphere.

And oh… do you know how hard it is to move overseas?? Like… really effing hard. I had to rent out my house and move in with my parents, pay land rates in advance, and a million other things. There are subscriptions to be cancelled, luggage to be bought, banks and other government departments to be notified, TEFL courses to be finished, visas and travel insurance to be sorted, other documents to be organised and phone plans to be changed.


I would like to say I’ve become something of an expert on the process of moving to Vietnam, except I’m not in Vietnam yet. Once I get through border security and have time to soak in my new home for a few days, I’ll tell you all about it. I’ll be staying at an Airbnb in Hai Bà Trưng for the first month, during which I’ll hopefully get a job and find an apartment.

When it comes to living overseas, I have done it once before when I studied South East Asian Development in England during my early twenties. But that was different. Living in England was temporary, as I went over as part of a six-month exchange program for my degree. Moving to Vietnam is a whole different kettle of fish, especially as I’m not even sure when I’ll be coming back. I’ll also be facing a few extra challenges, namely, the language barrier. However, I am determined to actively learn Vietnamese, not just to make my life easier, but because I don’t want to be one of those foreigners who lives in a country without making any attempt to learn more about the culture or language.

have been told that Vietnamese is one of (if not) the hardest South East Asian language for English speakers to learn. The day I discovered Vietnamese tones, is the day I died a little inside. But still… challenge accepted!!

commerce-daylight-hanoi-2262478 (1)
Photo by Nate Cohen from Pexels 

How has my family and friends responded to the news?

Now before anyone says anything like “but have you really thought this through?” and “is it even a smart thing uprooting your life and moving overseas on a whim?” Well… that last one will probably be addressed in a super long blog post one day, but the first? Yes, I have thought it through. Sure, I’m letting my dreams lead the way, but I like to think I’m doing so with a fairly level-head. I’m certain I can handle the challenges that are no doubt headed my way.

One thing I absolutely have to mention is my parents. Not only are they letting me (and my dog!) live at home until I can move, they have been completely supportive and excited for me from the start. They are a little nervous of course, which is understandable considering their child is moving to a foreign country she’s never been to before. They also know I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t go.

For the moment, I am refusing to think about how much I’ll miss my family while I’m in Vietnam. I’ll leave that for when I’m in Hanoi!

Photo by Hugo Heimendinger from Pexels

So I haven’t been to Vietnam, but have I travelled anywhere in Asia before?

I have a confession, guys… I’ve actually never been to Asia, which is a tad embarrassing considering I grew up in the tropics of the Northern Territory, just a stone’s throw away from Indonesia (I even learned Indonesian during primary school). That’s not to say I’ve never wanted to go, seeing Asia is very close to the top of my bucket list.

As it is, there’s nothing I can do but embrace the crazy-fun (and unknown) adventures that are about to come my way… and the food. I am so damn excited about the food and coffee. As a coffee snob used to strong Australian brews, I was overjoyed to hear about the serious coffee culture over there. Good, strong coffee is almost a given I’ve heard – as long as you know where to go. I’ve also heard Hanoi is known for egg coffee, which struck me as something I’d probably not enjoy from the sound of it, but it’s apparently delicious.

I’m looking forward to trying a few of the other local dishes like bánh Cuon, xoi xeo, bún riêu and bánh mì. Oh and I can’t forget I’ll have easy access to my favourite dish in the entire world – phở ga! Phở ga for breakfast. Phở ga for lunch. Phở ga for dinner…

My God.

I’ll be in Heaven.

Photo by FOX from Pexels

Featured image by Arnie Chou from Pexels


64 responses to “I’m moving to Hanoi, Vietnam!”

  1. […] those who don’t follow me, I moved to Vietnam in November last year. I have always wanted to move away from my hometown, but could never have imagined myself moving to […]


  2. […] those who don’t follow me, I moved to Vietnam in November last year for love. I have always wanted to move away from my hometown, but could never have imagined myself moving to […]


  3. Such a wonderful city. Enjoy!


  4. I’m jealous of your opportunity. Can you eat everything and make it as incredible as possible for those that wish we were in your position?!


  5. Praying all goes well for you, Milly!
    Sounds pretty exciting!
    God loves you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Milly, this is wonderfully exciting! Albeit terrifying at the same time. I know that you will be pleased with yourself for trying. Not much is harder than regret. Regret is a tough thing to let go of when you know you can’t turn back the clock. Having spent this time with Tim in your home country gives you a strong idea of who he is and what he’s all about. Being there with him will make it much more fun for you! 🙂

    I wish you all the very best in this life and trust that you have your best days ahead of you. Looking forward to reading all about it! Blessings to you and yours Milly! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  7. tyrustorres Avatar

    That is so exciting! I wish you the best of luck I just finished my international travel to Aus from US, it has been a wild ride. I look forward to hearing more from you, and I hope your TEFL courses go smoothly!

    Liked by 2 people

  8.  Avatar

    Our beautiful Milly following her dreams. Looking forward to the novel I am sure you will finish in lovely Vietnam. Mum xx


  9. I’m so thrilled for you! What an exciting adventure. And yay! A love story to boot. I look forward to reading updates.


  10. Very cool! A friend in Hawaii did some traveling through Southeast Asia and was pretty impressed with Hanoi. The city was clean, modern and friendly to Westerners too from all he said. A fair number of English speakers too, but you’re better off learning the language. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes to Love & Yes To Following it. I’m sure it’s going to work out! And even if it doesn’t : It is ALWAYS better to regret something you did than regretting something you didn’t do. And Thai food (l) No arguing that.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Vietnam is amazing! We moved here about a month ago and so far love it. We have spent most of that time in Da Nang.

    Just in case you didn’t know: before you move, get proof of non-criminal background from your local police or country. It’s required for legal work, and much easier to obtain before you move.

    The expat forums are also great resources (having a local boyfriend is helpful, but some things are often easier to find through the female expats groups, like bras or swimsuit, unless you are very petite).

    Enjoy yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You want little to no regrets in life. No matter what happens you can look back and say you did it.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sounds like an amazing opportunity. Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. First I said to myself, “This girl is crazy,” but then, after reading a little further, realized that you will be fine. In fact, more than fine. It will be a marvelous adventure and story to tell no mater what direction you take. Besides, I was thinking from my own geographical viewpoint here in the States; you are only about a 6 hour flight from Vietnam, where for me it’s the other side of the world. It’s more like me flying to Europe. It’s hard for me to get a direct flight to California these days. Best of luck to you Milly!


  16. Yes, love does drag us places we’ve never been before in many more ways than one. Please continue to blog while there! Here’s to… personal growth, amazing adventures, and love! ☀️Erika

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Sounds like it will be a fabulous move! Such a big decision and so exciting. Great post and looking forward to the updates 😊!


  18. Wishing you every happiness in your future and success in settling in Hanoi. Take care.


  19. Kathy - KN J Tales and Snippets Avatar
    Kathy – KN J Tales and Snippets

    Good luck with the move! I’ve only been to the South of Vietnam and up to Da Nang/Hoi An, but it was an eye-opening experience even for an Australian born Viet. The country is full of rich culture and history. I enjoyed the food the most!


  20. I think it’ll be an amazing experience for you.
    My husband and I moved from Slovenia, Europe, to India this year because of his job. My family wasn’t happy about my move but they always support my decisions. It has been challenging but we are making it an adventure and we don’t regret doing it.


  21. First and foremost, congratulations on finding love. I was lucky enough to finally find someone to be with after a lengthy period of ….well of nothing really…and that has been good for me.
    As for moving to Vietnam…that’s fantastic. I went there twice of cycling trips and thought it was fantastic. The food was great and the scenery was beautiful. As an ESL teacher, I was tempted to start my life over again and go there. While that didn’t happen, I can understand how alluring the possibilities are.
    Have an amazing journey and I will be here to read all about it.


  22. It will be interesting and give you a rare perspective on the world. (Like that’s your highest priority when you move for love!) Be prepared to run afoul of at least one custom, and don’t be too hard on yourself when it happens. And try to use that writer’s brain to get into the heads of the people you meet to understand them and to figure out how they see you.


  23. Best of luck, Milly! My dad worked in Hanoi when I was growing up, so I spent many school holidays there with my sisters. It’s a beautiful country.


  24. Try the gỏi cuốn! And good luck with the tones. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the tip! Omg looks amazing! And yeah need all the good luck I can with
      the tones lol


  25. What a wonderful adventure Milly. I’ve often heard people say their biggest regrets are opportunities not taken, so whatever happens, you’ll know you’ve taken that chance. Hoping your new life is rich and fascinating and full of love.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Fiona!! And absolutely, I’m so glad I’m taking the chance and actually going.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Wow. I hope this is turns out just as awesome as you feel it will be, because that would be great.
    Moving within the U.S. is hard enough. I can’t imagine the scope of a cross-country move. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the good luck! I’m hoping things go smoothly, but if not, oh well 🙂


  27. Upping sticks and moving to a non-english speaking country is a big move. I wish you well in your new life…lots of adventures await you. 30 years ago i made the move from England to New Zealand. My wife is a Kiwi. No regrets.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow awesome! I’ve never actually been to NZ, but I’ve always wanted to go, especially as so close to Australia. North or South?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. North Island, east coast….Hawke’s Bay, the fruit bowl of New Zealand. Lots of orchards, vineyards and farms here…and awesome beaches. Main cities Hastings and Napier were flattened in 1931 massive earthquake and rebuilt in Art Deco style. Each February we celebrate art deco with hundreds of vintage 1920’s and 30’s cars, costume, music etc. See link – https://www.artdeconapier.com/


  28. I would not presume that you need luck to make your endeavor work. I will simply wish you well. It sounds like you have put some thought into it. The best anyone can hope for is that they make the right decision with the given information. You appear to have done your homework, so the decision is likely right for you. I’ll look forward to reading about your new home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the well wishes 🙂 And yes, I’ll definitely be blogging about my journey and sharing as much as I can with you all. Thanks again

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Congrats! You’ll have a lot to write about, I’m sure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes there will be so much to blog about! So many things happening to me in such a short time


  30. What an amazing adventure you’ll be embarking on. Good luck with the move and happy travels!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Laura! I’m so excited


  31. lydiaschoch Avatar

    Good luck on your move! What an adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 🙂


  32. Tom Austin Avatar
    Tom Austin

    Congrats to Milly and Tim. This sure is going to be one for the record books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely hahaha


  33. Emma Berley Avatar
    Emma Berley

    Congrats on your new adventure and finding love, you are brave and it sounds very exiting! Thank you for sharing! Also, gorgeous photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Emma! Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m brave or crazy. I’ll take brave!


  34. omg! congrats! follow your heart and God will provide the rest.
    and worst case- you’ll have to move back home. (not the end fo the world)
    enjoy your new adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! That’s what my family said. I can always move back home, which won’t be the end of the world 🙂


  35. So, you’ll follow him, but he won’t follow you? Now that you’ve embroiled all of us in your wild adventure, you may want to clarify that point.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no Tim would definitely follow me, and he probably will on my return. There’s a very good reason he had to go back, but not sure if I should/can share as it’s private information about Tim. I’m used to sharing myself publicly, but Tim isn’t lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, OK then. Glad to hear love’s song still rings true, somewhere in the world.


  36. Packing up and moving to a new continent or even just a different country can be insane and sometimes jarring. I spent a year living and working in South Korea, and while I absolutely loved the experience, it was a lot of work to get my life organized before leaving. Like you, I moved my things back in with my parents, and tried to fit my entire life into a single suitcase. I had one advantage, and that was working with a recruiter, acquiring a job before I left, and then applied for a visa with the school supporting the visa application. It made things go a bit smoother and it felt less chaotic. But it was still stressful and there was always more to do. It will be one hell of an experience, but I am sure you will love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow! So you’re back home now? I’ve always wanted to teach English in South Korea. Two of my friends went there and they loved it, and since then I’ve wanted to go. Like you mentioned, I liked the fact you could go through a recruiter and get things started overseas (visa etc…) With Vietnam I’ve had to do a ton of research to make sure I’m doing it the right way and have everything I need to get a job before I go. Also, I’ll need to do a visa run at some point, which will be interesting. Thanks for sharing your story!!


  37. Awesome and scary, I would think! Good luck, and I look forward to reading more about your adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 I will be doing my best to share my adventures with some good photos thrown in!

      Liked by 1 person

  38. Kevin Quam Avatar
    Kevin Quam

    As someone who recently moved to South Korea to go teach English (by myself, no less), I can totally relate to just how crazy stressful it is to pack up your life and start it up again brand sparkling new. Good luck to you 👍👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow so you’re in South Korea? How is it going? Thanks for the good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Quam Avatar
        Kevin Quam

        It’s been quite a learning experience so far. I’ve had to learn a lot on the fly, and there’re been some definite highs and lows, but it’s certainly been an adventure 🙂


  39. I cannot wait to hear how you like it! A friend of mine just moved to South Korea to teach English and is loving it.Hope you do too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Two of my friends actually taught in south Korea too and loved it! They were the ones that gave me the confidence to do it myself.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. WOW! Such a big decision but definitely sounds exciting! Life is supposed to be full of adventure so why not! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I know such a huge decision. It’s been scary at times, but I think now I’m excited that I’m going on an adventure 🙂


  41. Wow. Crazy.
    Do what you’ve got to do.
    Best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Goldie! I know so crazy…

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