Category: blogging

  • Blogging every day for a month: what happened?

    Blogging every day for a month: what happened?

    If you’ve been following me lately, you’ll know I was planning to blog every day for a month. I love creating ridiculous challenges for myself and I’ve always admired those bloggers who somehow manage to push out quality content every single day – so I thought… why shouldn’t I try the same thing? I was initially going…

  • How are my WordPress stats going?

    How are my WordPress stats going?

    You guys know me and how often I go on about how ‘the stats aren’t important!’ and ‘don’t worry about the stats!’ but then I go crazy for them anyway. Call it the analytical part of me. I LOVE analysing stuff and I can’t seem to stop… it’s part of my day job actually. So…

  • The Nine Newbies of WordPress

    The Nine Newbies of WordPress

    Once upon a time I was a little blogging newbie who started a blog on WordPress with no clue what she was doing. I didn’t even know there was a WordPress Reader. I still remember the first time I clicked the READER button. I was like, what the hell is this?? Incredibly, I somehow made it to…

  • I have 5000 followers!!

    I have 5000 followers!!

    Yeah, you’re probably just as surprised as me. I have no clue how I got here, but all I can say is how much I f—ing love you guys. I’m not usually the type of person to write these kinds of posts (I feel like it’s very much ‘kimmy, look atme, look atme’), but I…