Tag: movies

  • 9 reasons why you should self-publish

    9 reasons why you should self-publish

    I recently wrote a self-publishing guest post for indie author, Theresa Sopoko. I wrote the article in a bid to convince myself that self-publishing is the way to go. While everyone secretly wants to be published by one of the Big 5, I’ve finally begun to see that the advantages to self-publishing are actually pretty great (if…

  • That time you accidentally wrote a YA novel

    That time you accidentally wrote a YA novel

    Here I was, thinking I’d come up with the most original idea of the century. My novel had a riveting plot, unique characters, and a twist you would never see coming! Except… it all just seemed so damn familiar. My story was about a young girl with special, hidden powers who enters a new world and falls in love.…