Tag: writingtips

  • That time you accidentally wrote a YA novel

    That time you accidentally wrote a YA novel

    Here I was, thinking I’d come up with the most original idea of the century. My novel had a riveting plot, unique characters, and a twist you would never see coming! Except… it all just seemed so damn familiar. My story was about a young girl with special, hidden powers who enters a new world and falls in love.…

  • I dream a dream of writing full-time #thewriterslife

    I dream a dream of writing full-time #thewriterslife

    Isn’t this the biggest wish of most aspiring, new and established authors?  For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a published author, as I’m sure many of you do do! Or perhaps your wish is to become a successful freelancer, website designer, food blogger extraordinaire, ghost-writer, savvy  media journalist or a fashion magazine editor.…

  • Pantser, plotter, plotser or panter?

    Pantser, plotter, plotser or panter?

    I am currently in the editing phase for my novel and I am strongly considering the need to change from a pantser to a plotter. My work is all over the place, there are plot holes and repeated prose, loose ends and untidy beginnings In case you’ve never heard of the terms before, and google’s temporarily broken, here’s my…